Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush Attacked By Angry Shoe Launcher...

So, if you haven't heard, recently our current president, President Bush, was attacked with shoes in Baghdad. Some reporter guy, Muntadar al-Zeidi, decided he wanted to be cool and toss his size 10, furred shoes at the president...

Ok, so, lets get this straight. Although I highly dislike the president and think he screwed this country over... I think the reporter was definitely wrong when he threw the shoe.

I mean, come on now... He is NOT 7 years old, he's 20. I'm 16, and I realize how childish and dumb that was. A grown man, throwing a shoe? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!? Come on America; even if you don't like the president... he is a representation of our country and for someone to launch a shoe at him shows how much they respect our country. Okay, Bush made a huge mistake in invading the middle eastern countries and tryna take over stuff, but so what. That man was just being a clown, throwing a shoe. He didn't try to SHOOT the president... he didn't try to STAB the president... he didn't even try to SPIT ON the president! But instead, he threw his cheap little shoe at the president, and MISSED. This man is truly an idiot.

And THEN, the people in Iraq are running around with shoes and signs, protesting American invasion and the President. (picture by Karim Kadim)

Smh. Even though I agree with them, and their views on American invasion, I have to point out their grammatical and spelling errors. If you're going to hold up signs, expecting people to take you seriously, please learn to spell words like "want" and don't forget another period after the a...

So, really, that's it. The video is below, if you wanna see it. This one is mad funny because of sound effects and the fact that it is not in English. lol. Enjoy...


Ms.Fitch said...

OMGOSHHH....!!!!! so freaking i liked was very entertaining...and i like how you state the fact and then put your was Snazzy on Acid....awwww your so well spoken.......
~~Ms...True Religion......

Jay...Squared! said...

lls, this is sooooo true. that reporter must've been on something strong to throw a flippin shoe. and i love how you pointed out the errors on the signs. i laughed so hard when i saw that.