Friday, December 12, 2008

A "Gifted" Track

Okay, so if you remember, I am a musical trendsetter.

This track right here is madhot for real. It mixes the styles of people you would have never thought would be on a track together, N.A.S.A., Kanye West, Santogold, and Lykke Li.

The song is called gifted; and you have to admit, the artists on this track are definitely just that. Everybody was tryna say Ye was fallin off with his new CD, and that he lost his touch... Well this song ends that thought. It shows that although he switched his style up a little, hes still a talented artist.

Although I haven't really heard a lot from N.A.S.A., Santogold and Lykke Li have both been on my ipod since.... who knows when. It kinda upset me when Santogold went mainstream with her album, but I got over it. And Lykke Li's "Let it Fall" was madflyy. LOL. It was a little different, but its all good.

So there you have it, some of the greatest musicians on a really great track...

1 comment:

Santana said...

ur blog is real interesting my man.
and the song is pretty dope..i been following lykke li for a little while too. Something bout her voice makes her songs cool